One of the
fun things about teaching is the opportunity to help young (and sometimes
not-so-young) current and future professionals figure out what’s next in their
Some of them
kind of have an idea what they think
they want to do. Others honestly have no idea under the sun what the next
step(s) should be, and they look to people like me for advice.
I’m always
quick to reassure them that, at their age, I had no clue either. But I also
didn’t feel like I had anyone I could turn to. They do.
complaining…fact of life…and the times. Colleges have learned a lot since I
accidentally graduated with my English degree nearly 50 years ago. If nothing
else, we’re no longer using quill pens to meticulously craft our papers!
I recall
being terrified of most of my professors and in total awe of the others. They
were wicked smart, and I figured I was the least important aspect of their
respective jobs.
yeah…haven’t mentioned this in a long time…I’m a card-carrying charter member
of the “Introverts of the World Club.” Taking that ginormous step forward to
actually ask someone who I
only knew from an hour in the classroom for advice was a huge step for me…still is, to be honest.
I try to
impress on my students, both my undergrad Communication students at Curry College, where I teach full-time, and my graduate students at Regis College,
where I teach part-time in the Organizational and Professional Communication
area, that I’m here for them…always…any time.
All they have
to do is what I did NOT do…reach out and ask for advice or help.
I figured out…after it was basically too late…was that my professors did have a clue, and they could have helped me sort things
Maybe. Maybe
You see…(tune
out for this part if you’ve heard it before)…after having started off as a
Civil Engineering major, I transitioned to English…mainly because I couldn’t
draw a straight line with a straight edge…a prodrome
as I discussed with my Crisis Communication Management class at Curry the other
night…a sign that things may not be quite right.
I had a
budding interest in 18th-century British Lit, so I focused on that for my
Now what?!?
Digest version…later got degrees in Business Management figuring I would “do”
some sort of business. Took a Public Relations course as an elective, and the
rest is ongoing “history.”
I’ll talk
another time about how I’ve used aspects of all those areas of study in my
actual life as a public relations professional. For now, just know that they
weren’t a “waste of time” as some folks are wont to say. They were/are
So what’s the
moral of this story?
Very simply…don’t write off your professors as
“heads-in-the-clouds” know-nothings.
Talk to them. Find out more about them as individuals with lives and not just as “that person who
I had for XXXX.”
Who knows?
You might stumble on someone who is doing or has done exactly what gets you excited and would like to try.
I know you don’t know…so ask me!
"But where's the man who counsel can bestow,
Still pleas'd to teach, and yet not proud to know?"
Alexander Pope, "An Essay on Criticism," pt. I, 71 [1711]
"But where's the man who counsel can bestow,
Still pleas'd to teach, and yet not proud to know?"
Alexander Pope, "An Essay on Criticism," pt. I, 71 [1711]